Family Guy


"Family Guy" is an animated American sitcom revolving around the Griffins, a dysfunctional family comprising parents Peter and Lois, their children Meg, Chris and Stewie, and their anthropomorphic pet dog Brian. They live in the fictional city of Quahog, Rhode Island. Peter is an obese, loud-mouthed blue-collar worker, Lois is a stay-at-home mother, Meg is a self-conscious, unattractive teenager, Chris is overweight and dim-witted, Stewie is a baby that speaks with an upper-class English accent, and Brian, the family's talking dog, often points out how ridiculous Peter's ideas are. The show lampoons American culture and is considered to be edgier than "The Simpsons", a series it is often compared to. Creator Seth MacFarlane voices a number of characters alongside Alex Borstein, Seth Green, Mila Kunis and Mike Henry. It premiered on BBC Three in 1999. Spin-off series, "The Cleveland Show", made its debut on E4 in 2010.

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This season of Family Guy first aired on .

This season of Family Guy first aired on .

This season of Family Guy first aired on .

This season of Family Guy first aired on .

This season of Family Guy first aired on .

This season of Family Guy first aired on .

This season of Family Guy first aired on .

This season of Family Guy first aired on .