Imposing, red brick Arlington House in Camden Town was built by Lord Rowton as a boarding house for working men. In the hundred years since then, it has been home to more Irish men than any other building in the world. Many of the long-term residents of Arlington House came to Britain to seek a better life, but lost themselves along the way.

Men of Arlington tells their stories, representing a forgotten chapter in the history of Britain and Ireland. Inspired by Deirdre O’Callaghan’s acclaimed book of photographs, Hide That Can, this film is an intimate celebration of unconventional lives. Over two years in the making, it is a story told in an observational style with dignity and humanity.

On Arlington Road, Alex McDonnell arrives for one of his regular visits. He founded the Aisling Project which runs trips to Ireland and has helped many men reconnect with their families and home. The film concludes with Peter Doyle, Arlington’s longest resident, on an Aisling trip back to Ireland to reconnect with family and home. This journey leads Peter to confront his past and take the first steps on a healing journey towards a new life.

Men of Arlington is a compelling story with moments of unexpected humour and warmth and a powerful emotional climax.

Colm McAuliffe,
Jameson Dublin International Film Festival

Enda Hughes and Brendan Byrne will attend the screening