Bob's Burgers
2011"Bob's Burgers" is an animated American sitcom following the adventures of the Belcher family, who run a hamburger restaurant. The main character is Bob Belcher, the husband of Linda and father of Tina, Gene and Louise. It begins with Bob trying to drum up support for the restaurant's grand reopening, but the day takes an unexpected turn when a health inspector drops by. It premiered on E4 in February 2011.
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The first season introduces the Belcher family—father Bob, mother Linda, daughters Louise and Tina Belcher, and their son Gene.
The second broadcast season of the animated sitcom Bob's Burgers commenced airing on the Fox network in the United States on March 11, 2012, and concluded on May 20, 2012. The season was produced by Wilo Productions, Buck & Millie Productions and Bento Box Entertainment in association with 20th Century Fox Television, and is distributed by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment, along with its other seasons. Actors H. Jon Benjamin, John Roberts, Dan Mintz, Eugene Mirman and Kristen Schaal reprised their roles as Bob Belcher, Linda Belcher, Tina Belcher, Gene Belcher and Louise Belcher. These characters are all a part of the Belcher family, a nuclear family that run a hamburger restaurant, entitled Bob's Burgers. FOX renewed the show for a second production cycle consisting of thirteen episodes on April 7, 2011, and picked up the back nine on October 31, 2011, bringing the cycle to a total of 22 episodes. Only nine of the episodes aired during the second season, with the remaining 13 episodes being held for the third season of the show. Like the previous season, the second season aired in the competitive timeslot at 8:30 p.m. on Sundays. The season premiere, "The Belchies" obtained 4.04 million viewers in the United States. The season finale, "Beefsquatch" obtained 3.57 million viewers in the United States, slightly down from the season premiere. All of these ratings are measured by Nielsen ratings.
The third broadcast season of the animated sitcom Bob's Burgers began airing on the Fox network in the United States on September 30, 2012, and concluded on May 12, 2013. All main cast members reprised their roles, the season also featured guest stars such as Jon Hamm, Zach Galifianakis, Jeffrey Tambor, Gary Cole and Aziz Ansari. On May 14, 2012, Fox renewed Bob's Burgers for a third season consisting of 13 episodes. On August 23, 2012, six additional scripts were ordered. The third season will consist of the 13 episodes from the second production cycle that did not air during the second season, and will also include episodes from the third cycle.
The Fourth Season of Bob's Burgers refers to the fourth broadcast season. On October 16, 2012, FOX announced that the show had been renewed for a full 22-episode order of a fourth season. It contains episodes left over from the third production season that were not broadcast in Season 3. Fourth production season episodes started airing in the spring. It finished airing it's run on May 18, 2014.
The Fifth Season of Bob's Burgers refers to the fifth broadcast season. On September 26, 2013, FOX announced that the show had been renewed for a full 22-episode order of a fifth season. It aired the remainder of any production season 4 episodes and also some production season 5 episodes. It finished airing on May 17, 2015.
The Sixth Season of Bob's Burgers refers to the sixth broadcast season. On September 26, 2013 Fox renewed the show for a fifth broadcast season and on January 8, 2015 fox ordered a sixth production season of 22 episodes. On September 27, 2015, the show started airing episodes from the fifth production season along with a couple from the sixth production season. It finished airing on May 22, 2016 with it's 100 episode, although that wasn't the 100th episode to air, it was the 107th.
The Seventh Season of Bob's Burgers refers to the seventh broadcast season. Fox renewed the show for a seventh and eighth production season on October 6th 2015. On September 25, 2016, the show started airing episodes from the sixth production season along with a couple from the seventh production season. It finished airing episodes on June 11, 2017 including the bonus episode that originally wasn't part of the run.
The Eighth Season of Bob's Burgers refers to the eighth broadcast season. On October 7th 2015, the show was renewed for a 7th and 8th production season. On October 1, 2017, the show started airing episodes from the seventh production season along with a couple from the eighth production season. It finished airing on May 20, 2018 however one episode was never aired during that time. The episode aired on October 7, 2018.
The Ninth Season of Bob's Burgers refers to the ninth broadcast season. On October 7th 2015, Fox announced that the show had been renewed for a 7th and 8th production season and with these place holder episodes created the 9th season. On September 30, 2018, the show started airing episodes from the eighth production season along with one episode from the seventh production season. It will likely be airing any production season 9 episodes, if any, near the end of the broadcast season.
The Tenth Season of Bob's Burgers refers to the tenth broadcast season. On February 12, 2019, it was announced that Bob's Burgers would have a tenth broadcast season on Fox despite the studio's impending split from the broadcast network as part of Disney's buy-out. On September 29, 2019, the show started airing episodes from the ninth production season.
The eleventh season of Bob's Burgers refers to the eleventh broadcast season. Fox renewed the show for a twelfth and thirteenth production season on September 23, 2020. The season coincided with the show's 200th episode and 10th anniversary. On September 27, 2020, the show started airing episodes from the tenth production season along with one episode from the ninth production season.
This season of Bob's Burgers first aired on .
This season of Bob's Burgers first aired on .