Well we knew tonight's 'Love Island' was going to end with a recoupling that would knock one of the boys out of the villa. And that's just what happened.
Initially coupled with Amber, Callum knew the sparks weren't flying.
He had a go for the affections of new contestant Molly-Mae. But ultimately, he couldn't face the competition from the other boys.
Not chosen by any of the girls meant he was the first to be dumped from 'Love Island'.
And fair play to you entertainment.ie readers, by the way. Because Callum was exactly the boy you thought would be going home tonight.
Here's what the aircraft engineer from South Wales had to say after being dumped.
How would you sum up your time in the villa?
It was just really, really enjoyable. It’s unfortunate that I didn’t meet anyone that I connected with but I had such good fun in there. Even though I didn’t meet anyone that I could potentially be with on the outside, I loved it, which is a great bonus. I would have taken any opportunity like this. It was a fabulous thing to do and a really positive thing in my life.
What were some of the highlights of going in?
Some of the highlights - meeting the people. I had a great friendship with Curtis. The challenges were great, and the whole experience of getting to know everyone.
If you had your time again would you have coupled up as you did?
I don’t think I would do anything differently in person. I genuinely think I was true to myself, I didn’t fake anything. It’s just unfortunate that there was no one in there that I connected with. There were definitely people in there that I was closer to and maybe if the opportunity had come to speak to those people more it might have been a little bit different. But ultimately I’m 28, I’ve had a couple of serious relationships, I know what I’m looking for and it just didn’t come through the door on this occasion.
Who would you say you were closest to?
Definitely Curtis. Literally from the minute he walked in, we just had a great time. It felt like I had known him for ages, he’s a good guy.
The aim of the game is to find love but is there anyone you would say is just game playing?
I don’t think I was in there long enough to work that out. It was too hard to work out. A lot of us were in friendship couples. There was only one solid couple in there, and maybe a couple of love triangles. It’s too hard to tell, but I didn’t notice it if I’m honest.

What was the most challenging aspect of being in the villa?
To be honest I just really enjoyed it. It’s the sense of unknown because you’re cut off from the outside world, but once you’re in that mindset, it’s actually quite nice. After a day you switch off and get used to not having a mobile phone etc. I thought it was really refreshing and enjoyed it.
If you could see one of the couples going the distance, who would it be?
Definitely Curtis and Amy - they’re so well suited, it’s like they’ve been together for ages already. You could definitely see them working on the outside. I hope they do. They’re both really good people.
Given the chance would you go back into the villa?
Yes definitely, I would. I loved every single minute of it. I hold my hands up and say I was gutted to leave, but if they asked me to go back in I would, straightaway.
Do you think you made any mistakes along the way?
I don’t think so. I didn’t go in with a game plan, I was going in there to meet someone. It’s pot luck in a way. If someone walks in that you have a connection with, you’re onto a winner, but if they don’t I wasn’t going to fake it with anyone just to say in the villa, because I don’t think that’s fair on the person.
How surprised were you by the recoupling? Did you expect to leave?
We all knew there would be a couple of surprising choices because we didn’t have a clue who would pick who. It could have gone either way. I definitely saw it coming. Apart from Curtis, anyone of us could have gone. We weren’t sure what the girls were thinking, I didn’t know what was being said, but like I keep saying, I didn’t want to force it and fake it because I didn’t think it was the correct manner to do so.
Callum appears on Love Island: Aftersun on Sunday 9th June at 10pm on Virgin Media Two