Whether you were out at festivals over the weekend and missed a couple of episodes or all the craic online is inspiring you to start watching, we've got the perfect thing for you.

If you missed what happened to make Luca so pissy or you're not sure why everyone is suddenly team Davide, sit tight and don't panic. We've got your two-line summary of everything you need to know about each episode in the last week. Here is your weekly roundup of what happened on 'Love Island' in the last 7 nights.

Sunday 12th of June

Chaos merchant Jacques enters the villa via brunch date with Afia and Ekin-Su while everyone watches from the terrace, with Gemma suddenly realising the new boy is her ex-boyfriend (gasp). Couple Davide and Ekin-Su share an enthusiastic kiss that makes viewers squirm.

Monday 13th of June

Luca is disproportionatly pissed off at Andrew after he claimed he "didn't care" that his partner Tasha was pulled for a chat by Jacques. Ikenna and Indyiah share a kiss (just grand) while Dami and Amber go on a date (also just grand), but in a surprise dumping Afia leaves the villa.

Tuesday 14th of June

Gemma accidentally calls Luca by her ex Jacque's name and he is not happy (shocker), but they do sort it out. Andrew and Tasha have a smooch and questionable hanky panky in the Hideaway, but at a party the next night, bombshells Jay and Remi enter the villa to stir trouble.

Wednesday 15th June

Remi fancies Indiyah but Jay has a few options; he says he had a magical, locked-eyes moment with Amber (seems random, but ok) and he likes Tasha too. They go on dates with the girls they fancy the most a there's definite chemistry between Ekin-Su and Jay, which Davide seems nonchalant about.

Thursday 16th of June

Gemma wants to remind Luca that they're not married off, to which he slags her into the next century by suggesting she's just raging none of the new lads fancied her. In one of the maddest plots we've seen on the show, Ekin-Su and Jay crawl across the terrace like sleep paralysis demons, very obviously, to kiss in (not so) secret.

Friday 17th of June

Ekin-Su and Jay crawl up on the terrace together again for a snog and this time, Davide asks her outright whether they were up there together or not and she lies about it, so he hits the roof, coining the immortal phrase "you are a liar, actress, go the f*ck out". Bombshell Danica enters the villa.

Sunday 19th of June

After the recoupling teaser on Friday, Danica couples up with Luca and he looks like he's been asked to set the table before dinner — extremely unimpressed and uninterested. Jacques stirs the pot as the two have to head off on a date together, meanwhile Dami starts to open up about having feelings for Indiyah ahead of a teaser for one girl and one guy to be dumped from the villa.

There you have it — a concise, 2 sentence per night guide to what happened in the villa over the course of the last week. Now, go forth and have a skit at some of the best tweets from throughout the week.

Love Island, tonight at 9pm on Virgin Media Two and Virgin Media Player.