One of our absolute favourite TV shows from childhood, had to have been The Cosby Show, there were some valuable life lessons to be learned in this after school series. So will we ever get to see the cast reunite? We could certainly do with the sound advice of Cliff Huxtable, even in our adult years. Well, short answer is, eh no - it's not happening. 

Cosby told; "We laid out eight years of trying to do our best and we did a great job because the people came in numbers, saying the following, 'I want my house back'.

"And we took the house back by way of the TV. That's what I wanted to take it away from. I was tired of seeing little kids, not that they were brighter, not that they were smarter, but they were just ill-mannered children with no respect, and writers were giving these lines to these children."

"I kept thinking, 'These writers must have had a horrible time, horrible experience with the parents'."

However, never fear, the comedian is still keen to return to TV, he went on to say: "I am happy to announce that there are certain networks giving me time to go into their office to explain what I have written and what I want to do and many of them sound very receptive."

Happy days, we all could do with some Bill Cosby back in our lives.