We simply can't explain what's happening here.

You may remember recently Sean Hannity had a go at Russell Brand (and John Stewart just a few days ago) that made him a bit more well known this side of the water, but in America he's got a reputation as one of the most confrontational interviewers and hosts that Fox News has, and that's saying something.

On Tuesday night, there was a real meeting of the minds as he invited Duck Dynasty's Phil Robertson on the show to discuss his new book UnPHILtered: How I See It (always trust a book with a pun in the title) and Robertson decided to give his two cents on how Obama should fight the threat of ISIS.

That said, his advice mainly consisted of quotes from the Bible that had little to do with anything, and then he criticised Obamacare because it will cost you a lot of money (y'know the bill which has as its main aim the lowering of the sky-high price of healthcare in the United States) and instead proposed that you should have eternal healthcare that's free in the form of the Bible. Look, it's hard to explain how bizarre this is, maybe just watch it and then think about what's happened as a surreal experience that Salvador Dali himself would find odd.

Good thing that Phil said he's not concerned with all that fame and money stuff, because otherwise we'd think of his appearance on Hannity's TV "news" show in order to promote his book in a much more cynical way...