We doubt Sinead would enjoy being boxed in with a(n alleged) pervert, but we don't make the lists. Well, in essence we do, but it's the numbers that dictate in this instance.

Back in January, Sinead Desmond had her agent, Noel Kelly, inform the Irish meeeedja that she had split from her husband of four years, David Ryan. David's a professional sailor, don't you know.

The next article in line with the most views features a petition against celebrity photographer/professional creepazoid Terry Richardson. His hyper-sexualised photo shoots were just a bit much for 2013's liking, so he started losing ad campaigns. This article got close to 10,000 views, fueled mostly by people's outrage, and not the fact that it features a woman in her underwear perched on a naked man's bottom. Well, how else was Terry meant to advertise a gym?

23. Celebrity photographer/creep Terry Richardson's perverted reign comes to an end. Hooray.