Hearing about a band or artist's influences and inspirations are all well and good, but sometimes, you just want to get to the nitty-gritty in an interview - like, 'what's your favourite takeaway dish'?

Our new Q&A series sees us throwing rapidfire questions at musicians to get their most instinctive answers. There's no beating around the bush here - just honest, straightforward insights into their creative minds.

Mick Flannery is one of Ireland's best-known musicians – and for our money, one of our best songwriters, too.

The Corkman has just released his new single 'Wasteland', taken from last year's eponymous album. The video (below) was directed by Sinead McDevitt and features his fellow musician and sometime actor Steve Wall.

To celebrate its release, we caught up with Mick and asked him to answer 10 very important questions.

1. What’s the music that you listened to growing up, that you still listen to today?
Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Joni Mitchell, Tracy Chapman. They all featured in my mother's LP collection, I've listened to them ever since.

2. In three words, describe the minute before you walk on stage.
Where’s my booze?

3. How do you wind down after a gig?
See above.

4. What’s the one song you wish you’d written or recorded first?
Lately there are a few of Leonard Cohen’s that I think are fantastic - 'Moving On' being one. Classic songs like 'Spoonful'. 'Someday Never Comes' by Creedence. I can’t pick one. Sorry. Okay - 'Innocent When You Dream', Tom Waits.

5. You can only have three albums on your phone/in your house at any one time - what three would you pick for today?
Harvest' by Neil Young, no filler.
'Mule Variations', Tom Waits, because of all the different styles on it.
'Desire', Bob Dylan; again, no filler, great stories and styles of music.

6. Name one record, one book and one film that you feel everyone should hear / read / see.
'Bringing It All Back Home', Bob Dylan
'Doing Good Better' by Will MacAskill
'No Country For Old Men' by Cormac McCarthy/Coen Brothers

7. Pick the director and lead actor(s) for a biopic about your life.
No way to answer this without sounding like a cock. I would like to be played by my brother Eamonn and the film directed by my friend Brian McElroy.

8. Could you recommend a podcast, and tell us why it’s worth subscribing to?
I like 'The Patdown' with comedian Ms. Pat. I learn something every time, and it’s hilarious.

9. What would you get up to on your day off?
I’m addicted to online chess. I might exercise, I would probably play guitar or piano. I may seek out booze.

10. Tell us what’s next for Mick Flannery in 2020?
I'm attempting to write songs for a new album that would feature more than one duet. I’m hoping that it does not violently suck.
