The title for the fifth installment in Johnny Depp's career defining franchise has been revealed. Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales.

Oooh. So there'll be dead guys, and pirates, and a few token female hotties. And Johnny Depp will wear eye liner and make jokes, and unleash his sword while other scraggily looking, scurvy ridden fellows say things like 'avhast' and 'matey' and 'shiver me timbers'. But there'll also be a plot that we'll use to distinguish this fifth movie from the previous four. Nevertheless, as we may be growing weary of the piratey franchise, there's something comforting about sitting down to one of these movies of a rainy Sunday afternoon, grandfather in tow, and watch Depp do what Depp does best. Have you had a favourite Pirates movie thus far? Are you excited for round numero funf?

The longstanding Jerry Bruckheimer project will be helmed this time by Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg. Production is expected to get under way towards the close of 2013. Expect to see this one come roaring into cinemas on July 10th 2015.