Oh dear. Now that the franchise is behind him, rather than graciously welcome his fans' continued enthusiasm, considering they are the reason his Twilight movies made so much money (well, it certainly wasn't down to their unique cinematic quality, now was it?), Robert Pattinson has slammed his Twihard fans as a bunch of sad losers with an internet connection. He's not necessarily wrong, but still, being who he is 'n all, he'd want to just smile and say 'y'know, I have the best fans ever, like ever', or he'll incur the wrath of a great big tidal wave of angry Clearasil consuming tweens. And the Twi-moms, let's not forget the middle aged Edward Cullen obsessives, they're a different breed altogether.

In conversation with the German version of Interview magazine, R-Patz expressed his deep displeasure at his unshakeable moniker, R-Patz. "I'd like to strangle the guy who came up with it!" While he doesn't dish the dirt on who he is, he does describe him as "some fat celebrity blogger," which really narrows it down.

So that's it Twihards, you ought to find something better to do with your lives and as R-Patz (oops) presumes, you're probably fat.

Opting to remain charmingly true to himself (perhaps this makes us like him more) and refusing to transform himself into some media-trained bobble head like many of his peers, Pattinson says of his fans:

"What's really weird about Twilight fans is that they're not really teenagers. Most of them are older. Twilight has its own fan culture that existed from day one. And in an intense way that didn't exist before... Sometimes I ask myself what these masses of people do the whole day. They sit in front of their computers and comment on anything having even remotely to do with Twilight."

The intense fandom he's referring to is likely the staggering number of women with his pasty yet sparkly vampire counterpart's face tattooed across both cheeks of their arses. That's not crazy or sad at all, that's dedication ROB.
