The trend of remastering games has gained traction over the last decade, and to many, the practice of selling a game at full retail price again is a point of contention.
The graphics for 'Uncharted 4' and 2017 spin-off 'The Lost Legacy' were already among industry standard and pushed the PlayStation 4 to the limits, so what could a PS5 remake possibly do?
It somehow makes the graphics even better, and gives the new DualSense controller the chance to shine.
Most of the points from our original 2016 review still stand, and 'Uncharted 4' is a fitting send-off for Nathan Drake.
It's no secret the 'Uncharted' games are a love letter to the popcorn blockbusters such as 'Indiana Jones' or 'The Mummy' and the game plays and looks like a big-budget blockbuster.
The graphics in particular rival that of Hollywood films and the two games are a perfect test of what the PlayStation 5 can do from a graphical standpoint.
Players have the option to run the game at 4K and 30 frames per second which gives players more clarity and depth, or the traditional 60 frames per second which favours performance.
Having the right TV will help you get the most out of these features, but playing the game in butter-smooth 60 FPS was a treat with HDR enabled, and switching it to 30FPS 4K settings made the game feel more movie-like.
There is no right or wrong way to enjoy your graphics, and the game is well-optimised that both settings run perfectly.

Sometimes cutting-edge graphics are used to paper over the cracks in gameplay, but the gameplay is still the 'Uncharted' formula we know and love.
High-octane, explosive set-pieces make you feel like you're in the middle of a $200 million dollar budget action movie and 'Uncharted' is perhaps the gaming franchise that makes you the star.
'Uncharted 4' added more verticality to the 'Uncharted' formula, along with more refined stealth elements.
The new DualSense controller is incredibly satisfying to use, and in segments where players are firing off shots from a pistol, the triggers on the controllers adapt in such a way that you think you're actually firing each shot.
The adaptive triggers on the new controllers have been used by some developers so far, but this is perhaps the best usage we've seen for them in the PlayStation 5's lifespan.
It's a subtle detail but it's a fantastic example of what a remake for a new console can do.
When you use heavy-duty weapons towards the end of the game, the controller shakes with the right amount of force, and you feel the weight of the controller in your hand.
Naughty Dog rightfully gets praise for its gameplay and cutting-edge graphics, but the writing deserves its own mention.
It's frankly a shame most games don't treat their writing as well as Naughty Dog, and while the writing occasionally brushes up to the edge of Joss Whedon too-self-aware-for-it's-own-good territory, the writing is still country miles ahead of the rest.
'The Lost Legacy' in particular has a distinct buddy comedy tone, with the dynamic between the rebellious and cheeky Chloe pairing well with the stoic, serious Nadine.
Examining 'Uncharted 4' half a decade after the fact shows Neil Druckmann has a very particular style of writing that became evident in 'The Last Of Us Part II'.
Druckmann loves to explore the idea of a hero you once looked up to being a flawed and shallow human who isn't all as they're cracked up to be, and while it doesn't quite land in 'Uncharted 4', it lands with weight in 'The Last Of Us Part II'.

In the context of gaming history 'Uncharted 4' is essentially a Naughty Dog victory lap after the original 'The Last Of Us', but 'The Lost Legacy' is Naughty Dog taking off the handbrake and flexing what they can do when there are no stakes involved.
A remake of 'Uncharted 4' alone is worth the price of admission, but including 'The Lost Legacy' is a nice treat and a great chance for players to dive in who missed it the first time around.
'The Lost Legacy' is a spin-off through and through, but it's what the spin-off should be; it fleshes out the main story, gives players a bit more time in the game world and deepens the relationship between the existing characters.
In terms of spin-offs, it's in the upper-tier with 'Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon' or 'Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare' representing the cream of the crop, with 'The Lost Legacy', knocking on the door.
A playthrough of 'The Lost Legacy' should take you around 8 hours if you're rushing to beat the story, and that playtime doubles if you want to see everything that the game has to offer.
'The Lost Legacy' is another slice of 'Uncharted 4' for when you've exhausted the main game, and that's the purpose of DLC.
Including it in the same package as a remastered 'Uncharted 4' is a shrewd move, and overall this bundle represents good value for money.
There's a lot to recommend with the 'Legacy of Thieves' collection, and even if you have 'Uncharted 4' already as part of the PlayStation Plus collection that comes with the subscription, the new graphical flourishes and clever usage of the DualSense controllers features makes this a game worth picking up.
Throwing in 'The Lost Legacy' is the cherry on top.