It'll steal your money and your heart.

Although it won't be available to watch in Ireland (officially, anyway) until March 31st, 'The Mandalorian' - or more specifically, Baby Yoda - has taken the internet by storm.

It's easy to see why. Just look deep into those giant eyes and you'll see a child-like innocence, even if it is strategically designed to illicit such a feeling from you. Christ, even famed German auteur director Werner Herzog couldn't withstand it and this is a guy who referred to jungle noises as "overwhelming and collective murder."

Anyway, seeing as how 'Star Wars' is now under the umbrella of Disney and Disney loves making money from toys, it was only a matter of time before Baby Yoda dolls were on the market. You can now pre-order a plush, near life-size Baby Yoda doll, complete with - and this is the actual product description - "soft body, plus sturdy base filled with beans", "green skin, big ears and large eyes", and comes in a sort-of pram similar to the one seen in the show - or in our case, all the .gifs and screencaps we've seen on Twitter.

The doll won't go on sale until January 4th, and it's not yet known when they'll begin shipping. For now, at least, you can pre-order one for $24.99 or about €22.57 excluding shipping. That's a small, small price to pay for something this disgustingly, disgracefully cute.

In the meantime, enjoy the many, many tweets and videos of Baby Yoda and wonder whether anything that comes after him can be this cute.