What's more, TMZ tipped off the Secret Service about the lyrics.

Given everything that's gone on so far in Donald Trump's presidency, none of this should come as much of a surprise.

After all, the US President threatened 'SNL' and late-night talk shows for repeatedly making fun of him, so it'd make sense that the Secret Service went after Eminem for lyrics about his daughter, Ivanka Trump.

The story, which was reported by Buzzfeed News, found that the Secret Service were tipped off to the lyrics of 'Framed', a song on Eminem's 2018 album 'Revival', by an employee of TMZ. The lyrics include references to Donald Trump being impeached, and keeping Ivanka Trump in the trunk of his car.

According to the freedom of information request, the Secret Service also noted that this wasn't the first time Marshall Mathers - Eminem's real name - "made threatening comments towards POTUS and his family," and referenced a June 2017 event where Eminem "freestyled comments that were threatening in nature towards POTUS."

Eminem has made no secret of his disdain for Donald Trump, regularly denouncing him in interviews whenever the US President comes up. According to Buzzfeed News' reporting from the FOI request, Eminem was interviewed in January 2018 about the lyrics, but the case was ultimately not referred to a federal prosecutor.

Here's the song in question. It's OK, but it's nowhere near his best work.