The petition is focused on a monument to a KKK leader in Parton's native Tennessee

Even if you're not a fan of her music, most of us can agree that Dolly Parton is a force of good in this world.

Her uplifting spirit, 'can-do' nature and her general unwillingness to take herself too seriously makes her a positive role model for many.

With that in mind - and with statues of racists, fascists and slave owners being torn down all over the world - a new petition has been launched in the US to replace all Confederate leader statues with ones of Dolly.

One in particular in Nashville is generating quite a reaction, as local lawmakers consider options to replace a statue of Confederate soldier and KKK Grand Wizard Nathan Bedford Forrest with Tennessee's most famous daughter.

"If we want to preserve history, then let’s tell it the right way," said Republican state representative Jeremy Faison. "How about getting a lady in there? My daughter is 16, and I would love for her to come into the Capitol and see a lady up there... What’s wrong with someone like Dolly Parton being put in that alcove?”

The petition calls for all similar statues to be replaced with Dolly Parton statues.

Last week, Taylor Swift called for the removal of monuments that celebrate 'racist historical figures' and a similar petition was doing the rounds suggesting Britney Spears as a replacement - but we reckon Dolly is a more suitable candidate, at least in Tennessee.