"That's an alien, bruv, believe it"

John Boyega, who got his first break in the 2011 indie sci-fi has revealed he's heavily involved in the sequel.

The 'Star Wars' actor first starred in the indie film directed by Joe Cornish when he was just 19. He played Moses, the leader of a gang of youths in London who come across aliens in their block of flats.

Now, over ten years later, a sequel is in the works with Boyega executive-producing, co-writing and starring. Cornish also returns as director.

"This process has been fantastic. The story has actually been presented by myself and Joe Cornish," said Boyega in an interview with Collider. "We’ve collaborated heavily on making a story that makes sense for Moses and the other characters, and the new characters that will be coming up in the sequel too.

"And then, also, there’s different perspectives in writing it, with Joe having his perspective and me having mine. London has changed so much, in so many different ways, over the years since the first movie. We’re just tryin’ to make sure we explore all of that, while bringing in a whole different vibe to that crazy ass first movie that we made."

Production has not yet started on the film, however Boyega stressed that filming was not too far away.

"We’re quite close. We’re getting there. Obviously, we don’t wanna release no dates to anybody because we wanna take care of the creative process. We have the main spine of the story, but we’re still in the lab, just making sure the story is right."

The 30-year-old chatted about how his character will transition the ten-year-gap between movies, suggesting a more mature version of Moses. At the end of the original flick, the character is arrested after saving the day.

"I’ve been back to my old script. I have my old notes to read. And then, also, on top of that, all the material that Joe collected, over the time to create the first movie, in terms of his pitch and everything that was in the bible for 'Attack the Block', we bring that out of the dusty corners, we blow the dust off, and we get back to work. It’s now about aging the character slightly and seeing where he’s at now."

Boyega stars in the upcoming 'The Woman King', releasing in cinemas on October 4.