Free Guy

2021 Action/Adventure | Comedy | SciFi/Fantasy

Free Guy is an action-comedy about a bank teller who discovers he is a background character in an open world video game called Free City that will soon go offline.

Our Review

by Deirdre Molumby
Star Rating:

'Free Guy' feels like 'Ready Player One' meets 'The Truman Show'

Guy (Ryan Reynolds) leads a mundane and repetitive but content enough existence working as a bank teller in the violent and crime-ridden Free City. One day, he meets a girl (Jodie Comer) and decides to try to bring some freshness to his life, including taking on assignments and playing the hero around the city to impress her. What Guy doesn’t realise is that he’s a non-player character (NPC) in a video game and out in the real world, Free City is facing imminent threat…

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