Brooklyn Nine-Nine
2013"Brooklyn Nine-Nine" is an American sitcom sit in the fictional 99th precinct of the New York Police Department in Brooklyn. It stars Andy Samberg as carefree detective Jake Peralta, Andre Braugher as his by-the-book commanding officer Captain Ray Holt and Melissa Fumero as his partner-in-crime Amy Santiago. It won two Golden Globes in 2014. It premiered on E4 in January 2014.
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Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Ava
First Season: Season 1 (2013)
Talented but laid-back detective Jake Peralta and his dysfunctional peers struggle to get along under their precinct's strict new captain.
Talented but laid-back detective Jake Peralta and his dysfunctional peers struggle to get along under their precinct's strict new captain.
In Season 2, Jake smokes out a mole in the precinct, Amy finds a flaw in one of Holt's old cases, and the precinct gets antiterrorism training.
After Holt's transfer, the precinct isn't happy with his replacement. Amy and Jake adjust to romance, while personnel changes shake up the department.
While the Nine-Nine tries to keep a lid on things in Brooklyn, Jake and Holt are in a witness protection program in Florida, where Holt is thriving.
After a nightmare stint in prison for a crime he didn't commit, Jake returns to the Nine-Nine, where personal and professional changes are afoot.
As Jake and Amy adjust to married life and Holt squares off with a rival, the hijinks, heists and crime-fighting continue at the Nine-Nine.
This season of Brooklyn Nine-Nine first aired on 17-09-2013.
Jake and the squad must try to balance their personal lives and their professional lives over the course of a very difficult year.