Beck follows Swedish police officer Martin Beck and his team as they investigate various crimes.
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Current Season: Season 10 (2024)
This season of Beck first aired on 01-12-2024.
This season of Beck first aired on 01-12-2024.
This season of Beck first aired on 01-12-2024.
This season of Beck first aired on 01-12-2024.
This season of Beck first aired on 01-12-2024.
This season of Beck first aired on 01-12-2024.
This season of Beck first aired on 01-12-2024.
This season of Beck first aired on 01-12-2024.
This season of Beck first aired on 01-12-2024.
This season of Beck first aired on 01-12-2024.
This season of Beck first aired on 01-12-2024.