Here's a little tip for the future, folks.

If you ever, ever make a bet online or on Twitter, either delete it quickly so nobody will see it or be prepared to follow through on it because that's what happened to Gary Lineker. On December 14th of last year, Lineker took to Twitter and made the bold statement that if Leicester City, his former team, won the Premier League, he'd do the first Match of the Day in his underwear.

Well, that happened. Leicester City won the Premier League and Gary Lineker, being the bastion of honesty and integrity, followed through on his word.

However, this meant that Lineker had to give a professional overview of the current state of the Premier League with his co-hosts, Gary Shearer and Ian Wright.



Much of the reaction online, however, centred on the fact that Lineker is 55 years old and looks better than most men half his age.





Lineker's antics have even inspired a few copycats, particularly one in RTE.