Veronica Mars is back! This time in brand spanking new movie form.

Our favourite teenage private investigator is all grown up now living in New York with the town of Neptune and all her antics long left behind. However it's not long before Neptune (or old boyfriend Logan more like) come calling. Her old flame needs to escape a murder charge and sure what better woman than Veronica on the case?

As trailers go it looks pretty dam great, already we can see that one of TV's favourite character's at the moment, Schmidt from New Girl has a starring role but there are shed load of others including Jamie Lee Curtis and James Franco. Plenty of the original cast are back as well, as Veronica finds herself home just in time for the ten year high school reunion.

The official trailer is just below as was released yesterday evening and the movie itself will premiere on March 14th.

Veronica Mars 'ey? Some woman.