"Irish people are always in turtlenecks..." Yes. That's where we start out with these Americans watching 'Father Ted' for the first time, and it only goes downhill from there.

Buzzfeed sat down some choice idiots people who hadn't seen or heard of Ted and co. before and let them watch an episode while being recorded, and their reactions are less than desirable.

Takeaways include the viewers discovering and trying (and failing) to use the word 'feck', mocking our inability to pronounce 'film' without turning it into a two-syllable word and the fact that 30-year-old Ardal O'Hanlon would get it, but the most daring and possibly offensive moment comes when one of the viewers says they're 'cringing a little bit'.

Cringe? HOW DARE YOU 'CRINGE' AT OUR NATIONAL TREASURE. Do you want to take a sh*te on the tri-colour while you're at it?

Prepare to feel all the rage.

Via Buzzfeed