One of the stars of Orange is the New Black was on the subway in New York recently when she decided that she'd heard enough of a preacher who was talking about homosexuality being a "sin".

Lea DeLaria (aka Big Boo from the hit Netflix series) was not impressed by the homophobic nature of this particular subway preacher's speech, and she decided that she'd had enough and had to interrupt.

The footage, which was sent to TMZ, shows DeLaria standing up and addressing his claim that homosexuality is a sin, and offers him the chance to point out in the Bible where it says that, before warning him not to "come at me because I went to f***ing Catholic school for 12 years and I know every lie."

She then goes on to talk over him, expressing that she has the right to do so just as much as he does, until he eventually loses patience and flat out insults her.

Via i100