Everyone on the internet is getting rather excited about the full length trailer for the Doctor Who Christmas Special (it dropped online this afternoon, in case you're wondering) but for us the most interesting aspect of the trailer has got to be the Irish lass in it.

Yup, you might remember a few weeks back we told you Irish actress Orla Brady will be playing a pretty central role in the big episode? Well, we're getting our first look at her in action as the mysterious Tasha Lem here, and doesn't she look well? No stranger to big TV dramas, Orla's an inspired choice if we do say so ourselves, and we can't wait to see her giving it socks come Christmas Day.

Of course, we're rather excited to see Peter Capaldi make his Who debut too. We do enjoy a good Doctor Who regeneration.

Catch The Time of The Doctor on BBC One at 7.15pm on Christmas Day.