Season 21 will kick-off by satirising white supremacists and recent events in Charlottesville.

With Trump, riots, hurricanes and, eh, Trump dominating headlines in the US recently, we've been desperately waiting for South Park to return and poke fun at it all. Thankfully, the wait is over.

The first new episode is called “White People Renovating Houses” and the description reads- “Protestors armed with tiki torches and confederate flags take to the streets of South Park. Randy comes to grips with what it means to be white in today’s society."

Watch here:


Creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone have stated that Cartman may still have his girlfriend in the new season but that Member Berries may be done.

"Now that Spielberg is doing Ready Player One — which is like the most Member Berry thing ever invented — we can't out-Member Berry that," Parker told The Hollywood Reporter. "All the Member Berries left our show to go be on that."

South Park season 21 premieres on September 13th.

Via: Rolling Stone