It's twenty years ago now since the first episode of Friends aired, and ten years since it finished up, (do you all feel sufficiently ancient now?) since then though, it seem that not a month goes by without rumours of a reunion. Whether it be one of the stars saying they were open to the idea, or even just sightings of a few of the cast hanging out, the question has constantly been asked.

According to Courtney Cox though, she can't even get the gang of them together for dinner, let alone to shoot a movie. She also pointed out that the whole show was pretty much just a sound stage in Monica's apartment, so what would they even do with a movie? (Building a bigger set must clearly just not be an option). Anyways, she firmly puts to rest any rumours, which show creators Marta Kauffman and David Crane have also confirmed recently.

So I guess it's not going to happen. Until the next rumour that is...