Earlier this week a fairly lively debate began on Reddit over just who exactly was the coolest character on TV. So many come to mind but who is the raddest of them all? That person who just exudes sheer awesomeness from their pores. The character who we can only aspire to reach to the great heights of their brand of cool.

We have picked our top five of the coolest cats on the silver screen, although in no particular order. These guys are waaay too badass to be ranked on any list.

1. "I am the one who knocks."

First up almost needs no introduction. Walter White, the science teacher turned drug dealer in the sensational Breaking Bad. This guy managed to make science cool. Sure his morals were questionable at times and yes, he could have treated Jesse better but look, how many of us could pull off that black hat?

2. "How do you know what tea I drink?"

Next up is another dark but downright dead cool dude. Nicholas Brody of Homeland. Again yes, there was that whole him being a terrorist thing, but he came good in the end and proved himself to be one cool operator.

3. "Are you cooking a frittata in a sauce pan? What is this, prison?"

Ah Schmidt. Anyone who watches New Girl knows that, as sweet and indeed funny as Zoe Deschanel is, it's Schmidt who steals the show. You just cannot predict what this dude will say next. Schmidt is the former fat guy desperately trying to be the cool guy on the show, but in our opinion no effort need apply.

4. "I love a Scotch that's old enough to order its own Scotch."

Robin Scherbatsky of How I Met Your Mother. This lady has got it all. Hot as hell, enjoys a scotch, can shoot a gun and pretty much puts anyone in their place. Well, except Patrice. DAMMIT Patrice!

5. "I'm not a psychopath, Anderson. I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research."

Sherlock certainly is the man of the moment so deserves a place on the list. This guys SOLVES CRIMES while giving speeches at his sidekick's wedding, AND managed to come back from the dead. Enough said.