When it comes to villains, be they on the big or small screen, they don't come much better (or more typecast *cough*) than Arnold Vosloo. He's best known to the world as The Mummy from, err, The Mummy, or good old bad guy Zartan from G.I Joe, and now he's getting set to take on a brand new role. It's an evil one. Shock horror.

As per TV Guide, Vosloo has just signed up to play Greek shipping magnate shipping magnate Christos Theophilus in the Elementary season finale. We're hearing that Jonny Lee-Miller's Sherlock will suspect that this new foe is in league with the one and only Moriarty. And if he turns out to be correct, it should make things rather interesting. Sure at this rate, he might even be Moriarty himself, wha?

When it comes to Elementary, opinion is still divided. I'm a massive Sherlock fan, so I had purposely avoided the US reboot until a recent plane journey, during which I needed to fill some time. Confession time: By the end of the pilot, I was a wee bit hooked. And with Natalie Dormer joining the cast as Irene Adler later this series, I think I'll be tuning in for another while. Now excuse me whilst I compose a handwritten apology to Benedict Cumberbatch, for y'know mentally cheating on him with Jonny Lee Miller...

Catch Elementary every Tuesday night at 9pm on Sky Living.