Love it or hate it, it's not going anywhere.

The most iconic 60 seconds of Irish broadcasting is getting an update that comes with a €20,000 price tag. RTÉ announced that their 'most controversial' programme was getting an update and seeking submissions (that closed today) to give it a face lift.

Quoted as being 'RTÉ's longest-running and most watched Religious Programme', the new Angelus is attempting to please both fans and non-fans of the 'show', after research and 'numerous straw polls' concluded that a clear majority of  viewers want to keep it, 'chimes and all'.

Citing the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square as inspiration, the national broadcaster is once a week opening up the 6pm slot on RTÉ One to aspiring filmmakers to showcase their 'creativity and skills', and will seek to 'showcase varied and sometimes challenging new work, across a range of styles and genres.' On the other six days, we're getting commissioned films similar to the ones we have.

What does that all mean? Well the bongs are going nowhere, but they're changing up a little bit to add public interest (RTÉ plan on letting the public vote on their favourite 'in due course' so there's a touch of X Factor to it). All changed, changed utterly, eh?

Via The Journal/RTE