It's been a surprisingly tough year for 'Sesame Street.'

With controversies surrounding the hit children's show making headlines throughout 2018, 'Sesame Street' will be happy to see the arrival of a new year.

First, there was their lawsuit against 'The Happytime Murders' for "tarnishing" their squeaky-clean brand (which they lost); and then were was the Bert and Ernie debate of whether the puppet friends were a gay couple or not.

Most recently however, there has been a more serious discussion happening about one 'Sesame Street' character in particular, Grover.

A video of Grover supposedly dropping the F-Bomb on children's TV began circulating before Christmas. Here's the clip for you below.

Now, original puppeteer of Grover, Frank Oz, has had his say on the whole debacle.

A twitter user has tweeted the puppeteer asking is the video in question is real. Oz responded, saying "Really? I didn’t perform Grover there but I assure you, we take the purity of the characters very seriously. But people will hear what they want to hear."

Another Twitter user responded to Oz, saying that it was probably just edited. The puppeteer then vented his frustration at the whole scenario. He said, "I’ve never understood why some people love imagining that, between takes, we screw around with the characters by having them swear or having them use sexual innuendos or putting cigarettes in their mouths and laughing. We don’t. It would be a betrayal of the character’s purity."

So, there you have it - 'Sesame Street' will forever remain a children's TV show, no matter how many people try to make spoofs of their brand.

Via Screenrant.