We don't know why we were so intrigued by this, they are just floor plans. But if you've clicked in, you get it, it's kind of cool in a geeky architectural way, no? Dermot Bannon would understand...

Below is the work of interior designer Euskal Herria who has drawn floor plans from a whole load of popular TV shows from The Big Bang Theory to Sex and the City, and sells them onto fans.

Here are both apartments in Friends... which we still want to live there more than ANYTHING.

Herria said; "The design is made according with the 'real' apartments respecting the spaces, proportions, furniture and objects present in the studio. Some sets have changed throughout the different seasons and this floorplan is a mixture of a variety of them."

Herria said; "The design is made according with the 'real' apartments respecting the spaces, proportions, furniture and objects present in the studio. Some sets have changed throughout the different seasons and this floorplan is a mixture of a variety of them."

And here is the two-story plans for The Simpsons house, who knew it was so big?


Head here if you want to see more, or fancy one for yourself!