So be warned, this story does contain spoilers for season five of Game of Thrones, and there are even pics to back up these spoilers. You get the idea, spoilers lie here.

We good? Okay, let's proceed. Pictures have somehow got out of Daenerys on the set of Daznak's Pit in Meereen in what seems to be a wedding dress, with Hizdahr zo Loraq by her side, the nobleman we met last season in Meereen. Is Dany really going to walk down the aisle again? And what about all those Lord Friendzone's she's had hanging about? They'll be gutted.

Another oddity we can see from the pics below is the presence of Tyrion in Meereen, sitting by Dany's side in a place of honour whereas in the books he was more involved in the action of Daznak's Pit and not in a great place really.

Saying all that though, they could easily just be on a break from filming and Peter DInklage decided to grab a spot in the shade. If you look closely you can also see water bottles.

Either way, if it is a wedding, bound to end badly really isn't it? Let's hope this marriage lasts a wee bit longer for young Dany though 'ey?