"I'm going to kill a kid and it mightn't be one of ours". Strong words from Daniel Butler, the daddy who single handedly stole our hearts in last night's episode of Keeping Mum. If you missed it then look no further, here's what we made of it.

There was quite the bit of hype surrounding Lucy Kennedy's Reality Bites programme, and in my eyes at least it certainly lived up to it. Then again, I am nothing if not a nosey people watcher - that's why I spend so much time glued to the telly. Anyway, the show saw Daniel and Blanca Butler and Elaine and Declan Gavigan moving their families into a house rigged with 13 cameras, and attempting to live together for five whole days. Sounds like an absolute nightmare to me.

Surprisingly enough  there was no chaos in the Keeping Mum house but the tension between stay at home mum Elaine and part-time painter and decorator dad Daniel was nothing short of hilarious. Poor Elaine preferred the more conventional PC parenting route while Daniel's tactics were a little more, how can we put this? Old school?

In fact pretty much every other legitimate concern (whether Blanca felt she was spending enough time with her kids, whether Elaine and her husband Declan were getting enough alone time) pretty much paled in comparison to his parenting approach. Maybe it was the editing, but from where I was standing, I wanted Daniel to be my dad too.

From demonstrating how he picks his kids up by the head ("They hold their own weight... otherwise their head would come off") in the school yard to his hilarious reaction to daughter Natalie's nosebleed ("That usually only happens when I hit you"), Daniel's loving, down to earth and utterly honest parenting stole the show for me.

And then there was the small child, who insisted on vomiting at every possible interval. Projectile vomiting, even. Ok, it was twice, but twice was enough. I did spot his godfather talking about it on Twitter. He'll definitely be having that replayed at his 21st.

So, our verdict on Keeping Mum? Surprisingly entertaining. Get another Daniel '#Butsy' Butler in every week and you'd be set for a series.