One for the 'randometer'. Karen off Pulling is going to star in Liz & Dick alongside Lindsay Lohan.

To put it another way, Rainie off EastEnders is going to star in Liz & Dick alongside Lindsay Lohan.

Crazy, I know. Apparently all she had to do was "die her red hair blonde."

The Sun reports: "Starring alongside Lindsay Lohan and True Blood's Grant Bowler, Tanya (Franks) plays Richard Burton's jilted wife in upcoming blockbuster… And Tanya has already won praise from the movie's director for her 'emotionally charged' performance in the biopic as Burton's first wife, Sybil."

Here's another interesting fact about Tanya and her astounding acting abilities; she's actually a teetotaller. This is quite amazing news given she's most famed for playing a drunk and a crack addict, whose most quotable line from Pulling has to be "WHOSE FAKING KNICKERS ARE THESE?!" A sensible question when you wake up in a park beside a tramp and head straight to the local for a straightener.