We spent most of the past year getting ready to head Into Darkness but could we be set to go where TV has most definitely gone before and welcome Star Trek back to the small screen? Bryan Fuller certainly seems to think so.

The developer, writer and executive producer of US TV series like Hannibal, Pushing Daisies and Heroes says he thinks there's plenty more miles lef ton the clock when it comes to the Star Trek universe. And sure wouldn't he know, given that face that we was a writer on Deep Space Nine and even went as far as to co-produce Star Trek: Voyager.

"I would love to do a Star Trek TV show," Fuller told Crave Online. "That was my very first start - on Deep Space Nine and Voyager - that was my first job as a writer in Hollywood. It's a very near and dear property to my heart, and also a philosophy. I would love to create a Star Trek show, so that's on my dream docket."

Of course, any plans would hinge on a network wanting to pick up where the show left off, so it's still very early days and more of a pipe dream for Fuller at this stage. "I have a very specific idea that I would love to do," he said. "We'll see if I ever get the opportunity."

We're more than happy to wait, provided there's a little less lens flare than we've been getting of late.