In case you had any confusion about what the 'Wee Daniels' are, they're a performing group of kids under the age of 13 who are obsessed with Daniel O'Donnell.
That's right, the five kids from Cavan - Finn Dolan (9), Robert Johnston (13), Jack O’Sullivan (12), Rian Sheridan (9) and David Rubotham (9) - are all major Daniel O'Donnell fans and even have the matching jumpers and slacks to prove it.
You've got to wonder if they actually love Daniel O'Donnell, or were their parents / grandparents putting them up to this. Do all children under 13 secret love Daniel O'Donnell? Is this something that's been going under our noses for years and we're only just noticing it now?
Of course, there's no denying Daniel O'Donnell's popularity.
For example, his appearance on 'Room To Improve' was the stuff of television gold, and there was that superfan on 'The Late Late Show' who was later convicted of helping to run a cocaine extraction factory. (Yes, really.)
At any rate, these 'Wee Daniels' won over just about everybody on last night's episode of 'Ireland's Got Talent'. Take a look.