Thank God Graham Linehan wrote Father Ted back in the 1990's because if not we're not sure it would have happened. I know, a life without Father Ted, we don't even want to think of it. The show might have ended 15 years ago but it is still one of our favourites and no comedy has ever quite filled the void it left. Speaking to The Independent, Father Ted creator Graham Linehan has said that he couldn't write the hit TV show now.

Linehan said  that revelations about the Catholic Church have made him too angry to write another show like Father Ted. ' I was never beaten or abused by priests who taught me at CUS  – some of them were a bit eccentric but they all seemed harmless enough. But since Ted, and everything that's come out, I've just come to really hate the church. I could never write Ted now because I'd be so angry my fingers would go through the keyboard.'

Linehan also revealed he had a great affection for Father Ted, played by the late Dermot Morgan, when writing the series, 'Ted is this light innocent bloke who somehow ended up in the priesthood, and I had great affection for him.' [Father Ted] brought a lot of people together, and I think that was only possible because we didn't take the hard-edged satirical approach. We were just silly.' he added

Linehan is currently working on a finale special for The I.T Crowd and has a new sitcom in the works, Count Arthur Strong, which is due to air on BBC2 in July.