If you've seen 'Baby Reindeer' on Netflix, you'll be aware that it's a series that leaves a lot of questions unanswered. [If not: spoilers ahead!]

There is also a lot of grey area; should Donnie have given Martha that first cup of tea? Should he have gone back to the abusive comedy writer? Should he have allowed Martha to have his phone number?

It's certainly stirred up a lot of public debate that has been compounded by the real-life stalker of its writer and star, Richard Gadd, and her (very) public denunciation of the show.

Fiona Harvey told Piers Morgan that she was misrepresented on the show and was considering legal action against Gadd and Netflix.

However, a new post-series development has now taken place, after one of Gadd's former bar colleagues at the Hawley Arms pub in Camden - where Gadd and Harvey first crossed paths - suggested that the comedian and actor was in the wrong.

The unnamed woman in her 30s told the Daily Mail that the show "just doesn’t fit in with my perception of working there.

"There was some underlying joke going on. I feel sorry for her. She was clearly vulnerable and clearly lonely. I think she was targeted as a joke between the male staff members and he led her on for the laughs."

She added: "She must have got the impression that he fancied her because of this, hence the alleged stalking."

According to this woman, Harvey was "always by herself" in the pub and was "just looking for human interaction."

"The staff would talk about her," she added. "She was looking for a bit of companionship because there were people to talk to and I think he [Richard] played in on that as a joke and now he’s made loads of money out of it and she’s still being the target of ridicule.

"I really do think it was all one big joke for their entertainment."

Harvey told Morgan during the recent controversial interview: "It’s a work of fiction, hyperbole, and there are two true facts in that that he’s Richard Gadd and was a jobbing barman."