Seth Meyers had a bone to pick with his latest guest after he apparently traumatised his 4 year old.

The guest was 'Star Wars' alum Ewan McGregor, who was on the show to talk about his new Netflix series, 'Halston'.

Meyers said that he wanted to talk about some of McGregor's earlier work, including how he narrates some nature documentaries for BBC Scotland.

In a way, Ewan McGregor is Scottish David Attenborough.

The host explained: "Early in the pandemic, when we are most stressed, I'm stuck at home with my kids. And my son has this book about birds. He would pick a bird, and I would try to find a YouTube video about the bird."

When his son picked a Guillemot, the host found a clip of the bird from the BBC One series 'Highlands: Scotland’s Wild Heart'.

At this point, Ewan McGregor is already laughing, he knows what's coming.

"It’s the most harrowing video I’ve ever seen," says Meyers. The actor agrees: "It’s the most upsetting thing you’ll have ever seen, yeah."

He and the host then revisit the clip which sees a baby Guillemot fall off a cliff and bash quite harshly against a rock.

The two are shaken by the clip. They also can't stop laughing.

The 'Trainspotting' star explains: "But listen, what happens thereafter is a shot of it coming out of the water and climbing back on the rock.

"And I said to the director, 'You have to promise me that's the same bird because I don’t think that’s the same bird'. He assures me that is what happens in nature."

It's too funny, horrifying as it is.

Ewan McGregor also spoke about narrating docs about killer whales and dolphins, saying that they could be "like horror films."

Skip to the end of the video above too as they watch the Guillemot emerge from the water.

"Yeah right," McGregor comments after the voiceover says "Incredibly, it's unharmed."

You can watch the full BBC clip following the birds here.