Louise O'Neill's documentary 'Asking For It' aired last night on RTE2 which took a look at the issue of consent and the rise in sexual assault in Irish society today. The award winning author examined how the justice system deals with these cases both at home and abroad as well as addressing the lack of education for young people about the rules of engagement around sex.

The Reality Bites programme received huge praise on Twitter for confronting an issue that so many have had their head in the sand about, as she pointed out the startling statistics that show that four in every ten Irish women have been the victim of some kind of sexual assault. One in ten of those victims actually report the crime and only 7% of those cases lead to conviction. It's also emerged that 20% of those that seek help from the rape crisis centre are men.

It makes for depressing reading but Louise O'Neill didn't hold back on shining a glaring light on the issue, talking to legal experts, victims, and guidance counsellors in a documentary that, as quite a few Twitter users pointed out, should now become compulsory viewing in all secondary schools.