First there was Romeo and Liam, then there was Dexter and April (allegedly), and now it's been confirmed that yet ANOTHER beloved Home and Away character is set to leave the shores of Summer Bay behind.

SPOILER ALERT: Don't be a flamin gallah and read ahead if you don't want to know who's leaving. We can't be held responsible for any flamin crows being stoned.

Ready? Ok. It seems as though Samara Weaving (niece of Hugo aka Elrond in Lord of the Rings and Agent Smith from The Matrix) is eager to spread her wings and head to pastures new, so Indi Walker/Smith will be saying sayonara later this year. The actress has already recorded her final scenes on set, and told TV Week that she's happy with her decision to leave. "Storyline-wise, it was perfect timing. Plus, with Home and Away so well-known overseas, I felt it was time to pursue other directions and really start a more versatile career."

However, she was quite sad to leave the cast. "It was really sad! It's like when you leave school" she said. "You've done such hard work, all your best friends are around and it's really depressing, because if you want to see each other again, you have to plan rather than just being thrown into a situation where it's a given. It's exciting as well because I get to travel and do things that I've been thinking of for a while."

We're wondering if that includes her rumoured shortlisting for a part in Pirates of The Carribean 5? She's saying nothing about that one, but did reveal that she's planning to head to this side of the pond. "I love the work coming out of London right now, so I'd definitely like to set up camp there for a while, just for something different. I've got lots of friends and family in the UK. I think I'll be back and forth, depending on job opportunities", she said.

Someone call Enda, we're sure his people can find her some obscure Irish roots and get her over here for The Gathering.