It's cool, she's got two already, it's not going to hamper her taking the world of music by storm, or anything...

Now, scan photos are probably the most difficult things to decipher at the best of times, but this one is very unique because - as Sam helpfully points out - she is currently playing host to a peanut.

In an interview with The Sun, Bailey explains how she found out she was pregnant for the third time. She just got a notion in a supermarket, announced she might be pregnant to her husband, so he pegged it off and returned armed with a pregnancy test: "I went and did it in the toilet while he was getting all the food. I came out and went, ‘Yep - I’m pregnant’. It wasn’t planned.”

Speaking of how it would impact on her career, she added: "When I got into the car I was really upset because I thought I’d let everyone at my management and the record label down. But they were really good about it (Simon is still basking in the first glow of fatherhood). I was going to go on tour solo at the end of October - but I have managed to move it until January."

Ah, touring when your baby is one month old. How hard could it be? Sure she can just get her make up people to paint pupils on her eyelids, get herself propped into a chair and then she can say she was employing Britney's form of method miming.

More on only being 10 weeks gone, and how she didn't want people to just think she was getting "fat" here.