In fairness, we've written about stranger headlines in the past.

A woman in British Columbia, Canada was involved in a car-crash that resulted in a head injury causing slight brain damage.

According to Alissa Afofina, the damage altered her personality in ways no-one thought possible. The 23-year old went from being a bookish student with a passion for filmmaking to becoming a dominatrix with little or no impulse control.

Her suit alleged that the crash, caused by her mother's ex-boyfriend driving, affected the pre-frontal lobe of her brain that governs impulse control.

Afofina, who was top of her class in high school, then dropped out and found holding work difficult - which she blamed on her brain injury.

The court awarded Alissa Afofina $1,524,000 in damages.

This isn't the first time a brain injury has resulted in strange personality shifts. It's quite common for people with brain tumours to have noted personality changes.

One woman, following a head injury, woke up being able to speak French. As you do.

