Her name is now officially Jemmaroid Von Laalaa. Officially.

Jemma Rogers is a 30-year-old holistic therapist from London who set up a Facebook profile in 2008 under the 'ridiculous' pseudonym of Jemmaroid Von Laalaa to avoid unwanted friend requests from strangers and old acquaintances (as you do) and was getting along fine until last month when Facebook sent her a message telling her they needed proof of her name. Obviously having a normal name, Rogers attempted to Photoshop some cards into having the name but the next day found her account suspended.

Having tried and failed to convince Facebook she was indeed the owner of the account and so made the extreme measure of changing her name by deed pool to actually become Jemmaroid Von Laalaa, ordering new bank cards and a driving license with her new name on them and all.

The sting in the tail of this story? She still can't log in. And her name is still Jemmaroid Von Laalaa.

Talking to the Telegraph she said:

"I know I've been a completely moron, but Facebook are being ridiculous. I've been locked out of my account for five weeks now and have lost all of my photos, messages and precious memories. So many people set up accounts in fake names so random people can't add them or so they don't have to awkwardly decline requests from people they know but don't want to be 'friends' with. But Facebook have been over the top, they should be able to tell it's a genuine account but just under a fake name, I can't believe I am being punished like this."

Facebook are officially the worst.