Being a catcher in baseball is not an occupation that is totally risk free. 

Sure you get to wear plenty of padding, but sometimes even that won't protect your most valuable area, which is what happened to Brian McCann of the New York Yankees in their match up against the Red Sox last night. 

Unfortunately, when you're a catcher the odds of you getting hit in the groin, given the way that you have to stand, are fairly high, and normally it's your own team-mate that inflicts the pain on you so you can't really even get that mad. The following slow motion replay of the incident shows that there really is no chance that any of McCann's junk escaped getting hit. It was full frontal. 

Via SB Nation

A reminder to always, always wear a cup. Even in your everyday life just walking around the place and stuff. You never know when something like this could happen: 

Via SB Nation