Trying to do your makeup on the go can be a daunting experience.

If you're in a car, the fear is that you'll take your eye out trying to do your eyelashes. Likewise, if you're doing your eyebrows, the vehicle could shoot forward and the tweezer will dig right into your head. Lipstick, on the other hand, is usually easy enough to sort out.

But what about trying to do it on a rollercoaster? Specifically, the Tayto Park Cu Chulainn Rollercoaster, Europe's largest timber-frame rollercoaster?

Even if you're a dab hand with applying the face, trying to do that at high speed isn't going to work out.

Case in point being Xpose's Lisa Cannon and Sybil Mulcahy, who attempted Saturday AM's Make-Up On The Go Challenge.

Take a look.

Ladies, you've got something on your face. And on your teeth. And, eh... well, use a wipe and start over.

It's not a good look, but fair play for the attempt. Also, we're now starting the petition to have Xpose segments like this.

"On tonight's show, Glenda Gilson talks to Michael Fassbender whilst being fired out of a circus cannon operated by Vincent Browne!"

That'd be great television.


Via SaturdayAM