Apparently he "had fun at Aaron's Clinic", which is nice... Sooooo, given the footage, Usher may be just a lil hungover ahead of his 3Arena gig tonight... Or at least that's what he wants you to think - HAH! That or he seriously needs a fry up and multiple packets of smokey bacon Tayto today. 

He's posted several pics and one telling vid to his Instagram a few hours ago chronicling his day of drinking Guinness in Dublin. He kicked things off with this one entitled "At the brewery....I hope I fall in a barrel #StillStPatricksDay #luckoftheirish." Indeed one can only assume the dude on the far right is Irish. 

  This one is entitled "Mr. Moustache"...

Eh, then he stripped off and went to the gym... Seriously, this one's captioned "Back In the gym....gotta get this chest up!!"

Following that, if we're to believe the order of the posting, he went back to the storehouse, drank more Guinness, went back to his hotel, and posted this boozy video...

In it he shayz: "Mmmmmok. Too much Guinness. I had fun at "Aaron's Clinic". But, um, I needa gohta shleep. Nnnnngotta show 'morrow, Dublin, I'm gonna tear ya..." and then the video sadly ends. One can assume he's offering to "tear us a new one", which we always appreciate. 

Then he posted a picture of him in bed alongside a bath, which will probably come in handy this morning - especially as it appears to be blocking his way to the toilet...
Before presumably getting dressed again and heading back out to this "Aaron's Clinic."