YouTuber Josh Paler Lin has a pretty big following online because of his pranks, but he decided to do a slightly different type of video this week in the run up to Christmas. 

In the video, he gives $100 to a homeless man and then follows him to see how he spends the cash, but the result takes him by surprise, and has caused the video to go viral, getting over 1.2 million hits (at time of writing) since just yesterday.

Lin discusses the situation that Thomas, the man he gave his money to, finds himself in, which involved him becoming homeless a few months back, and his touching gesture with the cash he was given has made viewers want to help him. 

As a result, Lin set up a crowdfunding page so that Thomas could get a fresh start, which already has about $5,000 pledged, and will hopefully keep growing. 

If you want to learn more about how you could help the homeless here at home, then visit the Simon Community or Focus Ireland