If you don't remember Maury, then you clearly never wasted a day in front of the TV and instead were off doing a productive activity or accomplishing something with your life.

However, if you missed many a college lecture or were too fragile to go to work after a night out and had to call in sick, then you will remember Maury as clear as day. He was like Jerry Springer, but he was even more low-brow, if you can believe that.

One of his favourite themes to have to a show was based around DNA testing to determine whether or not a particular young man was the father of the child in question or not, and they have had a lot of them on the show. A lot. Anyway, Maury likes to read it out in dramatic fashion, and the guy in question will either accept the verdict that he now has a child, or celebrate wildly if it turns out that he doesn't. Look, we said low-brow...

One particular YouTube user has trawled through these reactions looking for the finest dancers out there, and come up with this rather superb compilation of lads who fall into the latter category and display some of their slickest moves when they get the news that they are not now responsible for bringing a child into the world. It's nearly a year old, but it made us laugh today so we thought it was worth a share, especially because of the song choices he's added in as the guys dance.

There is something definitely wrong about us finding this funny, we're sure of that, but boy howdy can these lads bust a move. Especially that lad Justin right at the end. He looks familiar though, we've seen him somewhere before...

Via BroBible