Cristiano Ronaldo is not short of a bob or two, and while he makes most wage on the football pitch, he also has a load of endorsements that top up his base salary. 

One of those is this bizarre fitness product from Japan called the Sixpad that he claims will help you get in the type of shape that he's in, i.e. totally ripped to bits.

In his latest ad, he tries to convince us that if we get one, we'll look just like him, and the whole time he's trying not to make a face of a man in pain as a strange electronic gadget forces his muscles to pulsate. 

Here, there's a candid behind the scenes video where he chats casually about what makes the Sixpad so great, and he's full of compliments for it. 

No mention of the hours in the gym and incredibly strict diet though... Weird.

Via Who Ate All The Pies